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Why Tummy Time is Important: Tips, Benefits & Techniques for Busy Parents

As a new parent, you’re probably wondering how to help your baby develop and grow. One simple but extremely effective way to do so is through tummy time! Tummy time refers to the practice of placing your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. It may seem small, but this activity greatly benefits your little one’s physical and cognitive development. From helping with digestion to strengthening muscles needed for crawling, tummy time is an essential component of infant care that every parent should know about. Let’s delve into why tummy time is important when to start it with your newborn, how to get started, what are the tummy time position for the newborn, benefits for tummy time, tummy time hacks, tips for success and much more! 

What is Tummy Time? 

Tummy time is a simple yet powerful activity involving placing your baby on his stomach while awake and supervised. This allows them to engage in activities such as lifting his head, pushing up with his arms, and eventually crawling. Babies can develop the muscles needed for these movements by spending time on their tummy. 

Not only does tummy time help with physical development, but it also provides important sensory experiences. The pressure of being on their stomach can stimulate the tactile sense and provide valuable feedback about body position. 

It’s essential to start tummy time early in your baby’s life. Although newborns may not be able to hold up their heads initially, starting this routine early will help them get used to the feeling and gradually build strength over time. 

However, it’s important to note that babies should always be supervised during tummy time – never leave them alone or place them face down when sleeping. With consistency and patience, you’ll soon see why tummy time is important and all the benefits of incorporating this simple practice into your daily routine! 

The Benefits of Tummy Time 

Tummy time is not just a fun activity for your baby; it’s also essential for their overall development. Here are some of the benefits of tummy time.

Develops Strong Neck and Shoulder Muscles

Tummy time helps strengthen your baby’s neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles, which will help them in various developmental milestones like crawling, sitting up, and walking. 

Enhances Motor Skills

Tummy time allows babies to practice reaching and grasping objects using their hands or pushing themselves up with their arms.

Prevents Flat Head Syndrome

Placing your baby on their back all the time can lead to flat spots on the head, but tummy time allows them to rest on different parts of the skull, which reduces this risk.

Aids Digestion

Gentle pressure from lying on their stomach may help ease gas pain and promote bowel movements by massaging internal organs.

Boosts Cognitive Development

Seeing things from different angles while practising tummy time helps develop hand-eye coordination skills that are important for brain development. 

So make sure you incorporate regular tummy-time sessions into your little one’s daily routine! 

When Can You Start Tummy Time With Newborn

Tummy time is essential for a baby’s development, but when can you start it? The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting tummy time as early as possible, even from day one! However, if your newborn has any medical conditions requiring them to be on their back at all times, wait until you get clearance from your paediatrician. 

When starting tummy time with a newborn, it’s important to keep sessions short and sweet. Start with a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable. In the beginning, babies may only tolerate tummy time for a few seconds or minutes before becoming fussy. 

Soon you will start see the benefits of tummy time for baby. Choose a comfortable spot where your baby can lay flat on their stomach without obstructions. You can use a play mat or blanket on the floor or prop them up using pillows until they can lift their head independently. 

Remember that every baby develops differently, so don’t worry if yours takes longer to enjoy tummy time. With patience and consistency, they will build strength in their neck and upper body muscles, which will help with other developmental milestones. 

How to Get Started with Tummy Time 

Getting started with tummy time can be intimidating, especially if you are a new parent. But don’t worry; it doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. Just follow these simple tummy time hacks to get your baby on its way to building strong muscles and developing important motor skills. 

Firstly, start by choosing when your baby is awake and alert but not too cranky or hungry. This will make the experience more enjoyable for both of you. You may also want to lay down a soft blanket or mat on the floor for them to lie on comfortably. 

Next, gently place your baby onto their stomach with their arms in front of them. At first, they may resist this position and cry out of frustration, but try not to give up so easily as it’s normal for babies to need some time getting used to tummy time. 

To make tummy time more interesting and engaging for your little one, consider using toys or other sensory objects, such as mirrors or rattles, to encourage them to reach out and interact with their surroundings. 

If possible, try doing tummy time several times throughout the day for short periods (around 1-2 minutes), gradually increasing the duration over weeks until they can manage longer sessions without discomfort. 

Remember that every baby develops differently, so don’t compare yours with others! And always supervise your baby during tummy time while ensuring they stay safe at all times. 

Best Ways To Do Tummy Time 

Tummy time is an essential activity for your baby’s development, but keeping them engaged in the beginning can be challenging. However, you can make tummy time more fun and stimulating for your little one in several ways. 

One of the best ways to do tummy time is by using toys or props that encourage movement. You can place a colourful mat on the floor and surround it with toys your baby loves. This encourages them to move their arms and legs and helps develop their hand-eye coordination. 

Another way to make tummy time enjoyable is by getting down on the floor with your baby. Make silly faces, sing songs or talk to them while they’re lying on their belly. This creates a bonding experience between you and your little one and keeps them entertained. 

f your baby seems uncomfortable during tummy time, try placing a rolled-up towel under their chest for support or lifting their hips slightly with a pillow. These adjustments can make it easier for babies who may initially struggle with neck strength. 

Always supervise your child during tummy time and stop if they become fussy or overstimulated. With these tips in mind, you’ll find that tummy time becomes less of a chore and more of an opportunity for a fun playtime! 

Best Time for Tummy Time 

One of the most common questions parents ask about tummy time is when is the best time to do it. The answer? Anytime! As long as your baby is awake and alert, you can give them some tummy time. 

However, remember that you should avoid tummy time right after feeding or when your baby seems tired or fussy. It’s also important to ensure your baby isn’t hungry before starting tummy time or if your baby is fed you have burped the baby so they are comfortable and content. 

Many parents find that incorporating tummy time into their daily routine works well. You could try doing it after a diaper change or during playtime on a soft mat. 

Listening to your baby’s cues during tummy time is also important. Don’t force them to continue if they become upset or seem uncomfortable. Instead, try again later when they are calmer and more relaxed. 

Remember that every baby is different, so what works for one may not work for another. Trust your instincts as a parent and follow your child’s lead when finding the best timing for tummy time. 

When to Stop Tummy Time 

Tummy time is essential for your baby’s development and there are various benefits of tummy time for baby, but knowing when to stop it is crucial. Even though tummy time can help your baby develop strength and coordination, overdoing it can cause stress or discomfort. 

Generally, you should stop tummy time if your baby becomes fussy or starts crying excessively. This could indicate that the session is too long or difficult for them. Always follow your baby’s cues and adjust accordingly. 

Another reason to end tummy time sessions is if your child falls asleep during the exercise. While this may seem good, it could be dangerous since they’re on their stomachs with limited breathing space. 

It’s best to start slowly with short periods of tummy time once or twice daily and gradually increase as they grow stronger and more comfortable in the position. But remember, not every infant will enjoy being on their belly at first, so don’t force them into something uncomfortable. 

In summary, there isn’t an exact timeframe for how long a single session should last; rather, we need to observe our babies’ reactions when doing Tummy Time exercises regularly.

Tummy Time Position for Newborn 

When it comes to tummy time for newborns, positioning is crucial. The best position for your baby during tummy time is to lay them on their stomach with their arms in front of them, and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. 

Ensure your baby’s face is not flat against the floor or mat. You can place a small rolled-up towel under their chest to prop them up slightly, making it easier for them to lift their head while strengthening neck muscles. 

It’s important to remember that newborns have limited tolerance for being on their tummies, so start slowly and gradually increase the duration of tummy time as they become more comfortable with this position. 

You can also try placing various toys or objects around your baby during tummy time, encouraging them to reach out and interact with these items. This will help develop hand-eye coordination skills, making tummy time fun and engaging. 

Always watch your little one during tummy time, ensuring they are safe and comfortable throughout the session. With patience and consistency, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your newborn will grow stronger through regular tummy time practice! 

Tips for Successful Tummy Time 

Tummy time can be challenging for babies and parents, but with these tips for tummy time, you can make it a successful experience for your little one. 

Firstly, keep tummy time short in the beginning. Start with a few minutes and gradually increase as your baby becomes more comfortable on their tummy. 

Secondly, use toys or mirrors to encourage your baby to lift their head and engage in tummy time. This will help them develop neck strength and improve their vision. 

Thirdly, try different positions during tummy time. You can lay on the floor facing each other or prop your baby up on a nursing pillow to give them a different view of the room. 

Fourthly, get down on your baby’s level during tummy time. This will help them feel more comfortable and connected to you during this new experience. 

Be patient with your little one! Tummy time may take some getting used to, but with practice and consistency, they will soon learn to love it! 


Coming to the end, you have seen the benefits of tummy time for baby and why tummy time is important? It helps them develop strong neck and shoulder muscles necessary for sitting up, crawling, and walking. Tummy time also aids in preventing flat head syndrome and can help with digestion issues such as gas. 

Starting tummy time early on with your newborn is important, but remember that it’s a process that should be built upon gradually. Ensure you follow the recommended guidelines on how long to do tummy time for each session based on their age. 

Make tummy time fun by engaging with your baby through toys or eye contact. This will encourage them to enjoy and build a positive association with the activity. 

Remember that every baby develops at their own pace, so don’t worry if they take longer than expected to reach certain milestones. With consistent practice of tummy time and other developmental activities, you’ll see progress and have peace of mind knowing you’re helping your baby reach their full potential. 

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