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Pregnancy Surprises: 7 Uncommon Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Know

Are you expecting a little bundle of joy? Congratulations! Pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing journey, full of new experiences and surprises. But while there are some common pregnancy symptoms that most women expect, like morning sickness or fatigue, some uncommon pregnancy symptoms may catch you off guard. These lesser-known signs can be just as surprising and even more uncomfortable than the typical ones.


Pregnancy is a unique and exciting experience that can bring joy to any expecting mother. However, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows when it comes to the physical changes that come with carrying a baby. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most uncommon pregnancy symptoms you should know about – from excessive saliva to pica cravings – so you can be informed and prepared for whatever surprises your pregnancy may bring! 

What are uncommon pregnancy symptoms?

As everyone is unique, pregnancy symptoms appear to be different for every woman, and some can be quite uncommon pregnancy signs. While many women experience common pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, fatigue, and mood swings, others may have symptoms that are not as well known or talked about. So the list contains

  • Vision changes
  • Excessive saliva
  • Skin changes
  • Pica
  • Nausea not limited to morning
  • Metallic taste

Vision changes 

When it comes to pregnancy symptoms, most women are familiar with nausea, fatigue, and cravings. However, vision changes can be an uncommon symptom that is often overlooked. During pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations can cause changes in the cornea’s thickness and shape, leading to blurred or distorted vision. These visual disturbances normally disappear after delivery but might persist for a few weeks postpartum.

Pregnant women may also experience dry eyes or increased sensitivity to light due to hormonal changes affecting tear production. Another common eye-related issue is ocular migraines which can cause temporary blindness or loss of vision in one eye accompanied by a headache.

If you’re expecting and experiencing unusual vision issues during your pregnancy journey, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist (OBGYN) promptly. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms and refer you to an ophthalmologist if necessary.

As much as we focus on physical body changes during pregnancy, expectant mothers should always watch out for any irregularities concerning their overall health, including their eyesight.

Excessive saliva 

Excessive saliva is one of the uncommon pregnancy symptoms that many women experience during their first trimester. This condition, hypersalivation or ptyalism, can be quite uncomfortable and embarrassing for some pregnant women. 
Women may start experiencing excessive saliva production early in their pregnancy due to hormonal changes in their bodies. This symptom’s exact cause is unknown, but it’s believed to be related to elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones. 
Excessive saliva causes discomfort by making swallowing difficult and causing nausea. Women who experience this uncommon pregnancy symptoms may find themselves drooling more often, especially while sleeping. It could also lead to bad breath if proper oral hygiene is not maintained. 
In most cases, excessive saliva will subside after the first trimester as hormone levels normalize. However, there are some ways to manage this symptom, such as chewing gum or sucking on hard candies, which promote salivary flow leading to less accumulation in your mouth. 
Excessive saliva may seem like an unusual symptom, but it’s important for expecting mothers to know about these uncommon pregnancy symptoms so they can prepare accordingly. 

Skin Changes 

Giving birth to a new life is not easy. A woman goes through many changes in her body. Be it physically, mentally or emotionally. Some women expose to this uncommon pregnancy symptom and some may not. During pregnancy, skin may undergo several changes due to hormonal fluctuations.

During pregnancy, few women develop what is known as the “mask of pregnancy,” which refers to dark patches on their faces. These patches are called melasma and can appear on your cheeks, forehead, nose, or upper lip.

In addition to melasma, some women also experience itchy rashes like PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy). This rash usually appears during the third trimester and causes small red bumps that itch like crazy.

Another common skin change during pregnancy is stretch marks. As your belly grows rapidly, your skin stretches, causing reddish-purple streaks around your abdomen area.

To manage these uncomfortable symptoms and maintain healthy-looking skin while pregnant, you should keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water daily and eating a balanced diet full of vitamins such as Vitamin C and E for optimal health benefits for you and your baby.

While all these uncommon pregnancy symptoms may sound frustratingly uncomfortable when experienced with other early signs, they indicate something magical happening inside you!


Pica is a lesser-known condition that some pregnant women may experience. An intense craving for non-food items, such as dirt, chalk, or clay, characterizes it. This can be dangerous because these substances may contain harmful toxins or bacteria that can harm both the mother and baby. 
The exact cause of pica during pregnancy is not known, but it’s believed to be related to a deficiency in iron or other nutrients. Pregnant women with pica are advised to seek medical attention if they have cravings for non-food items. 
Pregnancy-related anxiety and stress can increase the risk of developing this eating disorder. Women must ask their healthcare provider about any concerns they have regarding their pregnancy symptoms. 
There are several ways to manage pica during pregnancy. One approach is to focus on healthy nutrition and nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body at this time. Another option is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps individuals identify negative thought patterns associated with pica cravings and replace them with positive ones. 
It’s important for expectant mothers who develop this uncommon pregnancy symptom of unusual cravings for non-food items like dirt or ice chips (pica) -to seek prompt medical intervention- as there could be underlying nutritional deficiencies or psychological factors involved in this symptom manifestation.

Abdominal Discomfort 

Many may not consider abdominal discomfort as one of the most uncommon pregnancy symptoms during their first or second trimester. But this symptom can show as a dull ache, cramping, or pressure in the abdominal area that not every expecting mother face.  
This discomfort occurs because the expanding uterus puts pressure on other organs, such as the bladder and intestines. As a result, some women may experience constipation and bloating, further exacerbating their discomfort. It’s important for pregnant women experiencing severe abdominal pain or bleeding to seek medical attention immediately as it could indicate a more serious condition, such as an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

Nausea not limited to Morning

Mostly every woman experiences this well-known symptom “Nausea” during pregnancy and may not consider it uncommon pregnancy symptom, but it’s not always limited to mornings. Many women experience nausea throughout the day and even at night. This can be a particularly uncomfortable symptom, making it difficult to perform daily tasks. 
The exact cause of nausea during pregnancy is unknown, but doctors believed that it is due to hormonal changes in the body. Certain smells or foods, stress, fatigue, or dehydration can also trigger it. 
It is suggested for pregnant woman to eat in small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals to manage this unpleasant symptom. Try to include light and healthy food in your diet because spicy and greasy foods can aggravate your stomach further. Increase your water intake and avoid sugary drinks that may dehydrate you. 
If you are experiencing severe nausea that prevents you from keeping food down or causes excessive vomiting, seek medical attention immediately, as this could lead to dehydration which poses a risk for both mother and baby. Nausea counts as uncommon pregnancy symptom when you are experiencing it throughout the day and more than first few weeks of pregnancy. 

Remember, every woman’s experience with pregnancy is unique, so don’t hesitate to seek advice from your healthcare provider if any unusual symptoms arise. 

Metallic taste

The most uncommon pregnancy symptom, nobody talks about.  This can be described as a bitter, unpleasant taste that persists even after brushing and flossing. 
This symptom typically occurs during the first trimester and can persist throughout pregnancy. It’s caused by hormonal changes that affect the sense of taste and smell. 
If you’re experiencing this uncommon pregnancy symptoms, there are several ways to manage it. One option is eating foods with strong flavors like citrus fruits or ginger. Drinking plenty of fluids can also help wash away the metallic taste. 
It’s important to note that while a metallic taste may be uncomfortable, it’s generally not harmful to you or your baby. However, if you experience any other concerning symptoms, it’s better to consult with your healthcare provider for guidance on how best to manage them. 
While an uncommon occurrence in pregnancy, experiencing a metallic taste is normal and manageable through various techniques such as lifestyle adjustments. 

What Causes These Uncommon Pregnancy Symptoms 

Uncommon pregnancy symptoms can be alarming, but what exactly causes these uncommon symptoms? Well, there are a variety of factors at play.  
One possible cause is hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. As the body adjusts to accommodate a growing fetus, it produces different hormones, which can lead to some unusual physical and emotional experiences. 
Another factor could be related to nutrient deficiencies or imbalances in the body. For example, excessive saliva may indicate a lack of vitamin B12, while metallic taste could be due to low zinc levels. 
Pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes can also result in unusual symptoms like vision changes or abdominal discomfort. 

Pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes can also result in unusual symptoms like vision changes or abdominal discomfort. 
Do not compare your symptoms with other pregnant woman because every woman experiences different symptoms. By working closely with healthcare providers and following recommended prenatal care guidelines, women can better manage their health during this exciting time.

Ways to Manage Uncommon Pregnancy Symptoms 

Managing uncomfortable symptoms during pregnancy can be challenging, but there are ways to help alleviate them. One way is through diet modifications such as eating small, frequent meals throughout the day and avoiding spicy or greasy foods that can trigger nausea. 
Another way to manage uncommon pregnancy symptoms is through exercise. Engaging in low-impact activities like walking or prenatal yoga can help improve circulation and reduce swelling. 
Getting enough rest is also crucial during pregnancy, as fatigue is a common symptom. Taking short naps throughout the day or going to bed earlier at night can help combat exhaustion. 
Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids is essential for overall health and reducing discomforts such as headaches or constipation. Moreover, try to wear loose-fitting clothes, it will help you feel relax. 

Why It Is Important to Be Aware of These Uncommon Pregnancy Symptoms 

It is important for expecting mothers to be aware of uncommon pregnancy symptoms as they could indicate underlying health issues. Early detection and treatment can prevent complications that may harm the mother and the baby. 
Ignoring or dismissing unusual symptoms can lead to delayed diagnosis, which could result in more severe problems. For instance, vision changes during pregnancy might be a sign of gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, conditions that require immediate medical attention. 
Some uncommon pregnancy symptoms, such as excessive saliva and metallic taste, may cause discomfort and affect daily activities like eating and speaking. Being informed about these symptoms will help women manage them better. 
Moreover, knowing the possible causes of these unusual signs can also ease anxiety and stress during pregnancy. Women who experience rare symptoms often worry about whether their situation is normal. Therefore, having knowledge about what is expected during pregnancy would give them peace of mind. 
Pregnant women need to familiarize themselves with uncommon signs to detect potential problems early on and take appropriate measures to ensure a healthy pregnancy for them and their children.


While many women experience common pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue, some uncommon symptoms can occur. Expectant mothers need to be aware of these lesser-known symptoms so they can seek medical advice if necessary and manage any discomfort. 
If you notice any unusual or concerning pregnancy symptoms, it is always best to speak with your healthcare provider. They can advise on managing the symptoms and ensuring a healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby. 
Remember that every woman’s pregnancy journey is unique; what may be an uncommon pregnancy symptom for one person could be completely normal for another. No matter what you’re experiencing, know that resources are available to help you through this exciting time. 

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